Welcome to the Early Years Experience!

This site is dedicated to providing ideas, resources and information for parents, carers and teachers of preschool, nursery and Key Stage 1 children (5 to 7 years of age).

We are continually adding new items to the Early Years Experience website and we hope that you find it useful. We value feedback and if you have any suggestions for improving the site, we'd love to hear from you.

The site content is organised under the following navigation menu items:

Songs & Rhymes

Our collection of traditional and modern songs and rhymes for children, organised by theme


Resources such as  scrap stores and craft recipes

Book reviews

Book awards and our reviews of children's books & childcare reference books, organised by theme


Learning activities, such as growing mustard and cress creatures, cookery, craft and painting ideas, maths and science activities

Activity Packs

Order our popular themed activity packs and other items to be posted or downloaded for immediate access


Information covering many cultures, including festivals around the world 


Names, phone numbers, email and websites of  useful organisations