Contents of this website

The Early Years Experience website provides a collection of information and resources to help those involved with the education of pre-school children.


Find out a bit more about this website purpose and background.


This page shows the way the site is organised, with links direct to the main pages.



Equipment & Craft Supplies

suppliers of materials, including Scrap Stores

Craft Recipes

favourite craft recipes, including playdough and bird cake

Songs and Rhymes

our searchable collection, including action songs, songs about the weather, animals, festivals, counting, food and transport, and nursery rhymes

Classical Music

classical music suitable for younger children

Book reviews

Recommended books for young children, searchable and under selected themes including Animals, Cats & Dogs, Bears, Mini-beasts, Farms, Growing up, Maths and Childcare Reference.


Cookery Ideas and Recipes

Favourite cookery ideas and recipes for young children including simple biscuits, truffles, mini christmas cakes, pumpkin pie and soup, pancakes

Craft Ideas

a collection of items you can make from card, together with instructions and patterns. Examples include Diwali lamp, Hanukkah candle, Christmas cards, masks, and a lantern.

Growing Things

growing mustard and cress, hyacinth bulbs, carrot tops and creating mushroom spore prints

Painting and Printing Ideas

lots of different ideas for working with paint including bubble and marble painting

Role Play Ideas

ideas for role play with supporting activities

Science Activities

ideas for encouraging development of scientific skills

Maths Activities

ideas for encouraging development of mathematical skills

Physical Activities ideas for encouraging physical development


Festivals around the world

A Calendar of Festivals showing
dates of many festivals throughout the year

Multi-cultural books

Recommended reading covering many cultures

Fund raising

Fun ideas for raising money, featuring our calendar-making kit.

Useful contacts

Contact details for a number of useful organisations (mainly UK).


Contents of the Early Years Experience website (this page).


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