Fund Raising

Calendar Sales

Sample front cover of a 2003 calendar

From personal experience, selling calendars full of pictures drawn by children is always a popular way to raise funds.

We are pleased to provide a Calendar Pack with clear instructions to help you to produce a calendar that is both useful and fun to keep. Each day has a space to write in birthdays and appointments. More details »

The calendar pack is updated each year to show many multi-cultural festival dates. It is normally available from June to give you time to prepare your calendar for the following year.

Filling a Smartie TubeSmarties tube

A simple way to fund raise is to give each child in the group a tube of Smarties. After eating the Smarties the children collect and fill the tubes with 5p and/or 1p coins and then return them.

An alternative sweet could be given if a child has an intolerance to food colouring.

Sponsored Bounce

Bouncy castleA really good fund raising activity is a Sponsored Bounce. To do this you will need to hire a small bouncy castle which does mean out-laying some money, however the owners of the bouncy castle may reduce the cost if you advertise their business to parents or even get your event highlighted in the local paper.

More funds can be raised by making the Sponsored Bounce part of a fun afternoon.

Give each child a sponsorship form and ask their parents to help them gain sponsorship for bouncing as many times as they can in, for example 3 minutes. (Don't make the time too long, as children can bounce very quickly!)

On the day you will need some volunteers to count the bounces, one per child. For safety reasons it is best to have only 2-3 children bouncing at a time and you will also need a time keeper. Certificates can be given to each child stating how many bounces they achieved and maybe a balloon for their efforts.

Growing Sunflowers

All children love growing plants from seeds and Growing sunflowerssunflowers are one of the most rewarding plants as they grow so fast.

Why not raise funds for your group by planting a sunflower with each child and watching it grow. The children could take home a sponsorship form, and with their parents help could obtain sponship for the height of their sunflower by a given date.

Tea towels and T shirts

Using the children's art work, a variety of gifts such as Tea towels can be commercially produced. These are usually very popular and can be sold on at a profit to raise money. Below is the contact address of a company that has been recommended.


Countryside Art

Child Participation Products
Includes, Tea towels, T-shirts, cards,mugs etc.

Countryside Art Ltd
Vale Court, Vale Road Industrial Estate, Spilsby,
Lincolnshire PE23 5HE England
t: 01790 754806
f: 01790 755389