Books about MinibeastsShowing 1 to 8 of 15 reviews available.Next» |
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Are You a Snail (Up the Garden Path)
Judy Allen and Tudor Humphries
A delightfully illustrated book about snails, both interesting and informative and aimed specifically for young children.
Bartholomew and the Bug
Neal Layton
Hodder Children's Books
Winner of the Bronze Smarties Book Prize 2004
A charming and quirky story about an unlikely friendship, by the award winning Neal Layton: 'Bartholomew and the Bug' teaches even the youngest child to 'seize the day'.
Billy's Beetle
Mick Inkpen
Hodder and Stoughton
A delightful story about the hunt for Billy's lost beetle. (Children love to find the beetle on each page).
Centipede (Bug Books)
Chris Macro et al
Heinemann Library
This look at centipedes is one of a series focusing on familiar minibeasts. It covers size, appearance, birth and reproduction, growth, feeding, predators, life-span, movement, and different types.
Ladybird (Bug Books)
Chris Macro, Karen Hartley, Jill Bailey
Heinemann Library
This look at ladybirds is one of a series focusing on familiar minibeasts. It covers size, appearance, birth and reproduction, growth, feeding, predators, life-span, movement, and different types.
Minibeasts (Themes for Early Years Science.)
Avril Harpley, Ann Roberts
Young children are fascinated by living creatures and the theme of this title is a way of broadening their knowledge of the world around them. The cross-curricular activities in this book focus on five familiar minibeasts: ladybirds, snails, worms, spiders and butterflies. The book also includes photocopiable activity sheets and ideas for displays and assemblies.
Snail (Bug Books)
Chris Macro, Kare Hartley, Jill Bailey
Heinemann Library
This look at snails is one of a series focusing on familiar minibeasts. Includes lots of colour photographs.