Books about ShapeShowing 1 to 4 of 4 reviews available. |
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A Triangle for Adaora
Ifeoma Onyefulu
Frances Lincoln
Why won't Adaora eat her slice of paw-paw? She says she doesn't want to spoil the star shape in the middle - so her cousin Ugo offers to find her a triangle instead. Ifeoma Onyefulu introduces children to shapes, African style, with warm words and colourful photographs.
Little Cloud
Eric Carle
Puffin Books
Little Cloud loves to change shape. Sometimes he's a tree, or an animal, or even a clown. He joins with the other clouds at the end of the story, to make one big cloud - and then it rains...
Patrick George
One of a series of books by PatrickGeorge. Great for sharing with a young child as the simple but stunning illustrations will instantly provoke conversation and reinforce the learning of shape names. The clever use of acetate to transform the images adds another dimension.