Books about SpringShowing 1 to 8 of 12 reviews available.Next» |
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Celebration - Children Just Like Me
In Association with unicef
Dorling Kindersley
Festivals, carnivals and feast days from around the world. This book is full of information and delightful photographs.
Dora's Eggs
Julie Sykes Jane chapman (Illustrator)
Little Tiger Press
Dora's Eggs provides a lovely introduction to farm animals and their young. The colourful illustrations by Jane Chapman make it appealing to young children.
Ferdie's Springtime Blossom
Julia Rawlinson
Gullane Children's Books
A lovely springtime adventure that will everyone looking forward to warmer days.
In the Country
Benedict Blathwayt
Oxford University Press
A lovely book depicting life on a farm throughout the year. The ariel view of the farm on each double page works really well as there are lots of things to see and find. Key words are illustrated on each page. A great book to share.
Jump into January
Stella Blackstone
Barefoot Books
Whirl through the months of the year in this action packed seek-and-find book that takes young readers on an outdoor adventure as the months pass by. The detailed pictures offer a wide variety of items to spot, while also teaching the changes that happen in nature as the year turns.
One farm
Benedict Blathwayt
Red Fox
A lovely counting book based around a farm and the changing seasons. The detail in the illustrations ensures that this will be a book that will be looked at again and again. Great book to share on a one-to-one basis or in a small group.
Seasonal Displays
Georgie Beasley & Ann Moberley
SEASONAL DISPLAYS will provide lots of lively interactive display ideas covering the themes of: The Four Seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The learning objectives of the displays will help young children to learn about the many different features of the seasons and will include making a birthday chart, creating a summer fete display, looking at Autumn leaves and producing a frosty weather display.