Books about Special NeedsShowing 1 to 6 of 6 reviews available. |
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Ian's Walk: A Story about Autism
Laurie Lears, karen Ritz (Illustrator)
Albert Whitman & Company
The lovely pictures in this book bring to life the touching story of how Julie learns to appreciate her younger brother, who has autism.
Jayne Cohen Fletcher
Scholastic US
A boy's wonderful mama takes him zooming everywhere with her, because her wheelchair is a zooming machine.
Rainbow Joe and Me
Maria Diaz Strom
Lee & Low Books
Eloise like colours. Her friend Rainbow Joe likes colours too. But Rainbow Joe is blind, so Eloise tells him about the colours she mixes and the fantastic animals she paints.
A great book to share.
Susan Laughs
Jean Willis, Tony Ross (Illustrator)
Red Fox
Shortlisted for the NASEN Book Award
Susan laughs, she sings, she rides, she swings. Susan gets angry, she gets sad, she is good and she is bad. Susan is just like any other child, or is she? Turn the last page and all will be revealed.
We'll Paint the Octopus Red
Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, Pam DeVito (Illustrator)
Woodbine House
As six-year-old Emma anticipates the birth of her new baby brother or sister, she vividly imagines all of the things they can do together. Emma feels ready to be a big sister! Then when the baby is born, her dad tells her that it's a boy and he has something called Down syndrome.
A lovely sensitive story.