Books about Early LiteracyShowing 1 to 6 of 6 reviews available. |
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Big Pig on a dig
Phil Roxbee Cox, Stephen Cartwright (Illustrator)
Usborne Publishing Ltd
This book, along with others in the series, concentrates on the phonics aspect of the make up of words. It's great to share and for first readers.
Fox on a box
Phil Roxbee Cox, Stephen Cartwright (Illustrator)
Usborne Publishing Ltd
The simple stories in this series use carefully chosen words, to encourage children to become familiar with identifying letter and sound combinations and increase their confidence for reading alone.
Shark in the Park
Phil Roxbee Cox,Stephen Cartwright (Illustrator)
Usborne Publishing Ltd
A story with a phonics-based text, designed to help children learn to read. Some pages have fold-out flaps which give new readers a chance to guess what will happen next. The inside back cover contains a phonic breakdown of the words in the book.
Ted in a Red Bed
Phil Roxbee Cox, Stephen Cartwright (Illustrator)
Usborne Publishing Ltd
One of a new series of books containing phonic based text aimed at beginner readers. The pictures give clues to the words and fold out flaps on some pages give children the chance to guess what will happen next.'