Books about Multi-cultural topicsShowing 1 to 8 of 15 reviews available.Next» |
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Celebrate! Buddhist Festivals
Clive Erricker, Jane Erricker
Heinemann Library
Focusing on Buddhism, this is one of a series which provides an introduction to the main festivals of the world's major religions. Extracts from sacred texts and stories explain why the festivals are celebrated and how they began, and children are quoted on religious aspects of their lives.
Celebrate! Christian Festivals
Jan Thompson
Heinemann Library
An introduction to the main festivals of the world's major religions. Extracts from sacred texts and stories explain why the festivals are celebrated and how they began, and children are quoted on religious aspects of their lives.
Celebrate! Hindu Festivals
Dilip Kadodwala, Paul Gateshill
Heinemann Library
An introduction to the main festivals of the world's major religions.
Celebrate! Jewish Festivals
Angela Wood
Heinemann Library
Focusing on Judaism, this is one of a series introducing us to the main festivals of the world's major religions.
Celebrate! Sikh Festivals
John Coutts
Heinemann Library
An introduction to the main festivals of the world's major religions.
Celebrations - Diwali
Chris Deshpande
A & C Black Publishers Ltd
An easy-to-read text from the Celebrations series. Looks at special occasions in different cultures and religions to show how they are celebrated. Includes ideas for activities.
Moonbeams, Dumplings and Dragon Boats
Nina Simonds
Gulliver Books
Filled with lovely recipes, hands-on family activities, and traditional tales to read aloud, this book is a grteat reference book.