Books about ParentingShowing 1 to 2 of 2 reviews available. |
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Raising Happy Children for Dummies
Sue Atkins
John Wiley & Sons
The book helps you explore your own parenting skills, helps you to define what changes you may need to make and provides advice on how to implement new parenting habits to improve you and your family’s relationships. Covering both day-to-day parenting and offering extra advice on how to help your children deal with life’s tougher challenges, this is a down to earth guide from a parenting coach and mother of two, Sue Atkins.
The Parenting Puzzle
Candida Hunt
Family Links
This non-prescriptive guide to parenting focuses as much on the emotional well-being of the parent as on the needs of the child. "The Parenting Puzzle" is based on the Nurturing Programme, a well-established and highly respected ten-week course that encourages parents and carers to enjoy bringing up children and get the best out of family life.