Books about Childcare: NVQ 3Showing 1 to 8 of 11 reviews available.Next» |
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Building a Portfolio for Early Years Care and Education: S/NVQ Level 3 Bk. 1 (Practical Pre-school)
Mary Tounsend and Cathy Hughes (Illustrator)
Step Forward Publishing Ltd
The first in a set of three, this book is full of good ideas based around units C10 C11 C16.
Building a Portfolio for Early Years Care and Education: S/NVQ Level 3 Bk. 2(Practical Pre-school)
Mary Tounsend and Cathy Hughes (Illustrator)
Step Forward Publishing Ltd
The second in a set of three, this book is full of good ideas based around units C2,C3,C5,C7 and E3.
Building a Portfolio for Early Years Care and Education: S/NVQ Level 3 Bk. 2(Practical Pre-school)
Mary Tounsend and Cathy Hughes (Illustrator)
Step Forward Publishing Ltd
The third in a set of three, this book is full of good ideas based around units P2,C15,M7.
Early Years Care and Education: Student Handbook S/NVQ Level 3
Kath Bulman, Penny Tassoni
Heinemann Educational Secondary Division
This book is an excellent guide to a very high qualification in Child Care working through the complex set out of the course. Step by step instructions in clear sections as set out on the course.
A must for all students on NVQ Level 3.
Early Years Care and Education: Workbook NVQ/SVQ Level 3 (NVQ/SVQ Workbook: Level 3)
Dawn Reay, Kathy Ward, Marilyn Bradburn
Hodder Arnold
This workbook matches the 1998 NVQ specifications for Early Years Care and Education at Level 3. All the mandatory and optional units are covered through activities and knowledge questions. A useful resource for checking essential knowledge and providing the portfolio evidence required for each unit of the qualification.
Early Years Observation and Planning in Practice: Your Guide to Best Practice and Use of Different Methods for Planning and Observation in the EYFS
Jenny Barber and Sharon Paul-Smith
Practical Pre-School Books
Revised in accordance with the EYFS 2012 requirements, this title explains, in plain English, how to plan, observe and assess children aged Birth to Five.
The book includes: a section on common issues that practitioners might have in planning and observation, as well as best practice solutions; a CD-Rom of blank observation and planning proforma sheets; tips on how to ensure your observations are effective and of high quality; advice on how to ensure your planning is focused and relevant; suggestions for resources to use in your learning environment; tips on how to integrate the planning and observation cycle into your practice.
Is Your EYFS on Track?: Self Evaluation Starts with Celebration
Terry Gould
Featherstone Education Ltd
A very useful book to check how to evaluate the effectiveness of your early years setting in the light of the latest recommendations. It will help early years leaders, managers and practitioners have a better understanding of the self evaluation process, as well as helping them, through this in structured ways, to identify strengths and areas for development in their own school/ setting. It will also help them to improve provision and outcomes for children and be better prepared for Ofsted inspection.
NVQ Level 3 Children's Care, Learning and Development: Candidate Handbook
Penny Tassoni, Kate Beith, Kath Bulman, Maria Robinson
Heinemann Educational Secondary Division
The complete solution for the new NVQs and SVQs in Children's Care, Learning and Development Written by the authors of the bestselling S/NVQ Early Years Care and Education resources, these Candidate Handbooks contain everything students need to succeed in these qualifications