Songs & Rhymes


6 entries found

Fire Fly

Fire-fly, fire-fly,
Come from the hill,
Your father and mother
Are waiting here still.
They've brought you some sugar,
Some candy, and meat,
For baby to eat.

Traditional Chinese nursery rhyme

Here is the beehive

Here is the beehive
But where are the bees?
Hidden away
Where nobody sees.
Look and you'll see them
Come out of the hive,
One, Two, Three, Four, Five,

Hong Ching-Ting (Red Dragonflies)

Hong ching-ting.
Ching ching ting.
Shih shang ching ching ting,
Shui shang ching ching ting,
Feng li ching ching ting.

Traditional Chinese nursery rhyme

Translation to English:

Red dragonflies
Gently stop.
On the rocks gently they stop,
On the water gently they stop,
In the breeze gently they stop.

Incy Wincy Spider

Incy Wincy spider, climbed up the spout,
Down came the rain
and washed the spider out.
Out came the sunshine,
And dried up all the rain.
Incy Wincy spider,
climbed up the spout again.

Ladybird, Ladybird

Ladybird, ladybird,
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire,
And your children all gone.
All except one,
And that's Ann,
For she has crept under,
The frying pan.

This Little Frog

This little frog has two eyes,
Four legs,
One mouth, no tail,
Says croak, croak and
Plops into the water.
These little frogs have four eyes,
Eight legs,
Two mouths, no tails,
Say croak, croak and
Plop into the water.

Traditional Chinese nursery rhyme